
POV - v0.1.8

Every Day Has Its Story. What’s Your POV?



Rachel and I had a great call this morning (of 4/27). Talked about the features of Film Huddle and how they’re remarkably similar to journaling.

POV at a high level

iOS app that correlates of film creation and journal reflections through storyboards

  1. Daily journals (scenes for POVs) styled like script writing
  2. Editing scene blocks styled like messaging in a chat app
  3. Storyboards are threads of scene blocks
  4. Smart cues are auto generated based on permissions given, and auto fill out your scenes with no interaction needed
  5. Highlights are horizontal slices into your story, allowing you to discover connections between parts of your story (versus just “today in the history of”)
  6. Insights are ways to visualize correlations of metadata about your story

Information Architecture

High level

  1. Episodes
  2. Scenes
    1. Scene blocks are within a scene, and contain things like Slug lines, Action, and Transitions
    2. Cues are special
      1. These are a type of scene block, that are typically tied to special permissions that people allow the app to have.
      2. These can be auto generated based on data changes that are found in the background or as a person interacts with the app.
  3. Storyboards
  4. Notes


Scenes are the default view in the app, starting with today’s date

  1. Default view of the app, showing all scene blocks for the day
    1. Example: Script view of a day’s worth of journal entries
  2. Long pressing on a scene block should allow for quick editing
    1. Example: Long pressing on a scene block should for a popover view to edit the scene block like a message app edit
  3. Long pressing on a scene block should also allow to change the associated scene header
    1. Example: Given they’ve entered the edit, they should see the top half of the screen contain a selection box of scene headers that exist for the day
  4. Smart cues are auto generated based on permissions
    1. Example: Calendar events, Photos, Health, Location, Weather, Social Media, etc should all result in related scene blocks in their respective time of day
    2. Example: Sleeping should result in a transition cue at the top of a scene, with related content like “(Slept for 6.5hrs and woke up at 6:30am)”

Smart Cues

Cues are the result of smart data that’s been imported into the app based on permissions

  1. By default, when a person opens a scene that is not updated with scene blocks, it should display a healthy amount of cues
    1. Example: “Morning Routine (9am)” and “Lunch (12pm)”
  2. Given a user has given location permissions then when they view a scene block all location based cues should be auto generated
    1. Example Transition: “(Traveled to Starbucks, Plano at 9am, 2 hours and 30 minutes)”
  3. Given a user has given calendar permissions then when they view a scene block all calendar based cues should be auto generated
    1. Example Slug Line: “(Meeting with Rachel at 10am, 1 hour)”
  4. Given a weather integration then a scene block of transition should call out sunrise and sunset
    1. Example: “Transition: Sunrise at 6:30am” and “Transition: Sunset at 8:30pm”
  5. All slug lines should now have context, from cues to be generated based on previous transitions
    1. Example: “Starbucks - Morning (9am)” shows up given the previous transition of (Traveled to Starbucks, Plano at 9am, 2 hours and 30 minutes)

Scene Blocks

Just like a traditional script writing flow, scene blocks have many types that are decorated in different ways

  1. Given a user Slug lines are an organizational tool for scenes, they’re informed based on the cues that are present
    1. Example: “Starbucks - Morning (9am)”
  2. Action is the body of the scene block, it’s just like typical bullet points in a journal
    1. Example: “In the call with Rachel we talked about the future of POV”
  3. Transitions are the last part of a scene block, they’re informed based on the cues that are present
    1. Example: “Transition: Traveled to Starbucks, Plano at 9am, 2 hours and 30 minutes”
  4. A user should be able to swipe right on the scene block to adjust the type it is
    1. Example: Slug line can be swiped right to become an Action, and vice versa, while dragging you’re able to see the changes (like Instagram’s filter selection)


Storyboards are the threads of scene blocks that are created by the user

  1. Given a user has created a scene block then they should be able to add a storyboard through swiping left
    1. Example: “Storyboard” icon near the scene block causes the UI to go one deeper, and see the storyboard view
  2. Given a user has already added posts to the Storyboard, they should see

Jumping off points

  1. Competitive analysis
  2. Fundamentals
  3. Jason’s Notes
  4. Monetizing
  5. Roadmap
  6. Open Questions