


v0.1.9 - Answered open questions and creates marketing taglines

  1. adds(open-questions): answered remaining
  2. adds(marketing): new doc for marketing taglines

v0.1.8 - default placeholders now cues and fundamentals expansion

v0.1.7 - Adds blueprints and roadmap idea

  1. adds(blueprint): Blueprints 1 and 2, just like decision records
  2. adds(roadmap): quantifying the categories/buckets of life and how much time you’ve spent on each

v0.1.6 - New interactions and usecases

  1. adds(index): New interactions and usecases, like swiping to change scene block type

v0.1.5 - Open Questions

  1. adds(open-questions): new doc to track open questions as they come up

v0.1.4 - AI roadmap and reflections

  1. adds(roadmap): AI roadmap and reflections
  2. adds(fundaments): AI should not be used to write content

v0.1.3 - moved Jason’s notes to separate doc

  1. changes(index): no longer has Jason’s notes, moved to separate doc
  2. adds(roadmap): smart cue based on reminders

v0.1.2 - new notes on tags and my life buckets

  1. adds(POV): roadmap refinement for scene blocks with tags
  2. adds(POV): Jason’s notes for tags and buckets of life counts/weights


  1. fixes(POV): formatting on Cues section of index page, too much pull quoting

v0.1.0 - pairs down features and leans more into script writing

  1. adds(POV): Monetization and business model
  2. adds(POV): Fundamentals moved from index file
  3. adds(POV): Roadmap all new features listed out here
  4. changes(POV): MVP now is just writing and viewing scenes, no storyboards or highlights


  1. adds(POV): tagline to index page


  1. adds(POV): New competitive analysis, not complete but a good start


  1. adds(journals): Use cases filled out to firmly establish difference between POVs and Highlights


  1. changes(journals): calling it POV and updating based on Rachel’s idea, replacing all terms with this as the main act in app
    1. NOTE: Keeping the slug (folder name) as Journals
  2. adds(journals): new call outs to ML context when hinting from pronouns to proper knowns


  1. adds(journals): tons of build out on features and examples for how they could work
    1. This is when I stumbled on the concept/name of Log Line


  1. initializes(journals): moves from Issue to here, source control ftw