


A list of things that follow by default and only break of with documented exceptions

  1. Should add immense value to those that are creating this
  2. Example: Represents a journaling experience that we would use as the founding creators, saving time and increasing quality of journals
  3. Ensure explicit review when crafting logic that influences people who use this app
  4. Example: When crafting features with logic, take a moment to review and document the potential positive and negatives of how the logic could influence the person
  5. Example: We want to show a default amount of cues, but we don’t want to negatively push a person to burn out (over or under journaling).
  6. Automate in all possible scenarios, but allow for editing, ideally most things happen in the background
  7. Example: Smart cues auto generate scene blocks based on permissions, but can be manually edited
  8. Privacy of data, shouldn’t leave the device or Apple ecosystem
    1. Example: Using CloudKit and on device storage, not using external APIs by default
  9. Generative AI should not be used to write the content, but can be used to suggest cues
    1. Example: Using CoreML to suggest cues or highlights for scene blocks