


Just some odds and sods of how I am currently journaling and things I’ve learned along the way.

Jason’s Notes

  1. On emotional check-ins
    1. I used to have a section at the top of my journal entries where I’d encapsulate how I felt with each of my “buckets” of life (me, home, family, work, and friends). I’d tie a value -10 through 10 with a brief summary of why I chose that.
      1. On the top of this was an average between all the buckets, weighted by “me” as 50% and all of the others a quarter of the remaining 50%.
      2. NOTE: I think this would be a huge way to train our dataset to understand what things were good for a person, a sort of correlation between that day’s content and the emotional check-in.
      3. NOTE: I’ve “outsourced” this to Apple’s Health “emotional state” check-ins. I’d love to see this data in my journal again, but still correlated in a meaningful way.
  2. On the “plots” count
    1. I number each of the bullet points to understand the busyness of my day. This helps me quantify within each bucket of my life, how much I’m paying attention (or being asked to join in).
    2. NOTE: This would preclude adding tags to each scene block, but I think that’d be a good thing, especially in support of this additional insight.
  3. On Exporting
    1. I’ve invested dozens of days transferring journal techniques between apps/platforms, this is the biggest value to me from a relative ideal (daily tasks more impacting).
    2. There are a lot of times that I would have preferred to have my writing always start in my journal, but easily email/post/copied to transition out. Sub bullet points inside of a top level 20 bullet list with 100s of sub bullets is a no go in Day One.
    3. NOTE: Would be extra amazing if the social post that happened as a result would be linked back to the original journal entry.